

This has been a fantastic experience working with India and Nigeria. We learned to pace, time ourselves, and trust other. If we make a mistake we always have our partners to depend on to correct it. Working together is a good interaction and challenging way to keep up with work. We don’t compete to win, but as a team to have fun.


Our team has tried our best on this website. This has been a superb experience. We give thanks to Nigeria and USA for pulling through and working together as one. Our experience has been quite fun and memorable. I’d have to admit that it has been an honor working with our partners. This was such a wonderful way to communicate and to get to know each other and have fun.


We,Nigeria, are proud to say that this has been a glorious experience. Communicating was hard in the beginning, but we got through and started working hard. Our experience in this project showed us that team work is what we all need to perfect it. This has been a fun and great learning experience.


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